I had no clue.
You just appeared.
It was as innocent as the breeze stroking your face.
Never was it ever my intention but we became friends anyway.
Not by design at least.
Now you are my life, even though you're not there.
But I never once complained.
I will always have hope no matter what the outcome.
I can't sleep worrying about our future.
Although, it is not always my decision, even though I am the "man".
No right, nor wrong whatever the outcome.
Just be compassionate and love life y'all!!!
Somehow, humans are a bunch of sensitive, overreacting bunch!!! Observing the way things have been going, it is obvious that the world, and in particular, the human species will never change. Our lives are filled with the trails and tribulations of evolution and co-existence. Wars... they are inevitable and have always been existent even before billions of us were born. With the good, comes evil. IS ANYONE GOING TO STOP THE GENOCIDE HAPPENING IN THE MIDDLE EAST? Never mind that... Just look into the mirror and ask yourself whether you have felt anguish and hatred towards another human being? Have you gotten so angry before that you felt like strangling an irritating, back-stabbing colleague? Yes..., you have right? It is okay that you have had such feelings as we all have faced our fair share of bad and evil people in our lives. Do we just sit in silence or do we do something about it? When I was younger, I would have chosen the latter cause of action. Nowadays, I am trying my best to ...
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